Bill Baggs State Park

Saltwater Railroad

The land, now known as the state of Florida, was place of escape and refuge for enslaved Africans seeking freedom from chattel slavery. Freedom-seekers fled to Florida and established communities that have persisted, in some cases, until the present day. Cape Florida was the point of departure for self-emancipated African peoples on the “Saltwater Railroad.” This maritime extension of the Underground Railroad by which the formerly enslaved and their descendants sought safety and freedom in the islands of the Bahamas.

3ft of Sea-Level Rise

An estimated that a one-meter rise in sea level will result in the loss of over 13,000 recorded archaeological sites in Florida alone, and an untold number that are currently unrecorded.

Site History

Full text coming soon!

Moonrise on the Coast of Florida - J.D. Woodward, as reproduced in the 1987 Archaeological Survey (Carr 1987)
